Top CBG (Cannabigerol) Questions Answered by CBD Science

Top CBG (Cannabigerol) Questions Answered by CBD Science

There are over 100 different cannabinoids that come from the cannabis plant, most notably being THC. However, there have been new medicinal uses for these other less popular cannabinoids that have prompted the world to take notice. Most people have heard of THC and CBD, but there’s another cannabinoid that we’ll be going over in this article today: CBG. Let’s take a look at what CBG is, how it can help you in your daily quest for health and wellness, and other commonly asked questions. 

What Exactly is CBG (Cannabigerol)?

CBG, or Cannabigerol, is derived from the cannabis plant and is commonly called “the mother of all cannabinoids” or the “stem cell cannabinoid” because many other cannabinoids come from CBGA, the acidic form of CBG. As CBGA is heated and breaks down, the CBGA converts to THC, CBD, CBC, and minimal quantities of CBG (about 1% compared to 25% of either CBD or THC).

The chemical breakdown makes it nearly impossible to find pure CBG products, and if you do find them, they’re expensive and seemingly overpriced. As technology and research improve, CBG is growing in popularity and may soon become more readily accessible and affordable. 

What is The Difference between CBD and CBG?

While CBD technically comes from CBG, there are many unique differences between both cannabinoids. Both have different compounds and can be used to treat various symptoms. CBD and CBG are both non-psychoactive and non-intoxicating, meaning neither of these cannabinoids alters mental clarity or daily function. 

Additionally, CBD is used to regulate and produce endocannabinoids within the ECS, whereas CBG works specifically with the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD is used to calm anxiety and depression, while CBG has been used to promote energy and physical activity. When taken together, the user may feel the effects of both, creating enhanced focus as well as relief from anxiety and depression. 

Another difference between the two cannabinoids is how they work within the body. There are various ways to use CBD to relieve inflammation and pain in response to physical issues. However, CBG is most effective when targeting neurological areas, such as depression and anxiety.

What Does CBG Do?

Now that we understand what CBG is, it’s important to discuss what CBG does and doesn’t do. Let’s go over some of the things that Cannabigerol is helpful for and what to be aware of when taking it for the first time. 

Does CBG Get You High?

The short answer? No, CBG will not get you high, but it is mildly psychoactive. The user will not have impaired reasoning, dizziness, or hallucinations. But since it does relax the mind and body, you may feel a sense of euphoric bliss that may improve your mood. 

Will CBG Cause You To Fail A Drug Test?

Unfortunately, since CBG is the converted form of CBGA and contains THC, you may likely fail a drug test if you consume CBG products. Drug tests only test for the presence of metabolites, which are produced to break down THC molecules. Drug tests cannot distinguish where the THC came from, only that THC was in your body at some point. Trying to convince your employer why you have THC in your blood, urine, or saliva may not be well received. If you know you have an upcoming drug test or are subjected to random drug tests, it is advisable to stop taking CBG products until after taking your drug test. 

What Does CBG Feel Like?

There may be a slight sense of euphoria and muscle and brian relaxation, especially if taken in higher quantities. Since it calms the brain and relaxes the muscles, many people use CBG as a sleep aid. 

Is CBG Legal?

CBG is legal with certain restrictions. Under the 2018 Farm Bill, as long as any derivative of the hemp plant contains less than 0.3% THC, it is legal for sale throughout the United States. CBG has not been classified as a legal drug, unlike CBD, which has met with great success as a homeopathic option for those looking to naturally treat mild pain and some mental issues like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and several sleep disorders. 

If marijuana is legal in your state, either recreationally or medicinally, there’s a chance CBG derived from marijuana may be legal as well. You’ll need to check with your state’s specific laws about marijuana before embarking on your journey to find hemp- or marijuana-derived CBG. 

For the 20 or so states that have not legalized the sale of marijuana, there are several CBD products that include CBG, such as full-spectrum hemp oils.

What is CBG Most Commonly Used For?

CBG is commonly used to interact with the body’s neurological system. One of the most common uses for CBG is to help enhance the user’s focus. CBG has also been used to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. There is an amino acid called Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA for short) which is the brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter.

CBG encourages better GABA absorption than THC or CBD and also helps to even out muscle contractions so that the muscles can relax. Because of this, CBG has been used to lower blood pressure, decrease the intensity of heart palpitations, and relieve anxiety. CBG can also stimulate appetite and aid in bladder dysfunction

A study in 2015 used laboratory mice to document how CBG can treat Huntington’s disease. The study concluded that CBG could protect nerve cells against harm via neuroprotective characteristics. In 2013 and 2014, another laboratory rat study showed that CBG is able to kill off bacterial infections like MRSA. Another study showed how CBG was able to reduce the number of cancerous cells in colon cancer and treat glaucoma, bladder dysfunctions, and inflammatory bowel disease.  

What are the Most Common Benefits of CBG?

The most common benefit of using CBG is for therapeutic gain. People who suffer from chronic pain, nausea, vomiting may find solace in CBG. CGB is also being used for people with cancer, multiple sclerosis, and chemotherapy side effects.

Since CBG relaxes the muscles and allows the user to focus more clearly, CBG has been used with other cannabinoids to activate the entourage effect, in which all the parts of the compound come together to create a unified and powerful impact. 

What are the Most Common Side Effects of CBG?

Unfortunately, there isn’t much information available to know the complete list of side effects of taking CBG. Some users report several unpleasant side effects when taking too much CBG, such as vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

These side effects will subside as your body processes the CBG, usually within 3-5 hours. If you’re taking CBG for the first time, start with a small dosage and gauge your body’s reaction to it. Once you understand how CBG and your body work together, you can gradually increase your dosage to higher levels. 

Why is CBD More Popular Than CBG?

CBD is more popular than CBG simply because it’s been around longer. More is known about the side effects, proven results, and user reviews of CBD, but that could change as more research surfaces about CBG. At the moment, CBD is leading the way for homeopathic treatment of depression, anxiety, and other issues. Still, CBG could prove to be even more effective in treating these illnesses, including others like inflammatory conditions and chronic pain. 

What are the Most Common Types of CBG Products?

There are several common types of CBG products available for sale in multiple shops and websites. Let’s take a look at a few of them so you can decide which product is right for you and your lifestyle. 

Tinctures & Oils

Tinctures and oils are the most popular because of how simple they are to consume and how readily available they are. Individuals can use tinctures sublingually. All the user does is releases a dropper under the tongue, holds for at least 60 seconds, and then swallow the remaining tincture.

CBG tinctures can also be incorporated into food and beverages, but since the CBG must now pass through the digestive system, much of the healing properties of CBG will be lost in digestion. 

Topicals & Creams

CBG Topicals are primarily used to target pained areas, such as inflamed joints from arthritis or muscle aches due to pained areas. CBG only penetrates the first layer of the dermis, meaning that no CBG will enter your bloodstream. Topicals are also gaining traction for potential antimicrobial properties, so we may start seeing more CBG topical products in the near future. 


Capsules are a great way to incorporate CBG into your life. Many people enjoy the ease of taking capsules with their morning vitamins or with meals. Capsules are tasteless, odorless, and can be taken easily with a glass of water. 

Vapes & Extracts

CBG vapes and extracts offer an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of CBG, as the vapor is absorbed directly into the lungs and immediately enters the bloodstream. You will need a vape device that can power on low ohms and low wattage, so this particular product requires more of an intermediate level of vaping knowledge. 


There are some flowers that are available with as high as 15-20% CBG content, but hemp flowers themselves are not very popular. Extra work is needed to remove the stems and seeds, crush the flower, and load it into an external device. Many users have expensive vaporizers that require a bit of advanced user knowledge to operate. Others empty the tobacco from a cigarette and stuff the crushed flower into an empty paper before lighting it and smoking it like a regular cigarette. 

How Long Does CBG Take to Work?

Different CBG products vary with how quickly they begin to work. Tinctures can start to work in as little as 15 minutes, while CBG gummies and edibles will take about 45 minutes to start working. Keep in mind that CBG will work the fastest when absorbed directly into the bloodstream (i.e., vapes, extracts, tinctures, and flowers). 

How Long Do the Effects of CBG Last?

The effects of CBG can vary depending on the type of product you take. For example, if you consume a CBG edible, it may take an hour or longer for your body to metabolize it. Once your body metabolizes the edible, you may feel the results of CBG for up to six hours! Since tinctures are taken sublingually and are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, their effects can last anywhere from 2-3 hours. 

Again, some people will have different reactions to CBG according to their height, weight, age, and so forth. When trying CBG for the first time, make sure you have a few hours to kill that will allow you to enjoy the full CBG experience. 

Is CBD or CBG better for anxiety?

Both CBD and CBG can be used to treat anxiety. CBD is more popular and has more information readily available, especially for treating social anxiety and other mild forms of anxiety. CBG is better for treating strong neurological issues, such as ADHD and insomnia, and many types of anxiety. Further, CBG works with your body’s nervous system to relax muscles and sharpen focus, allowing your brain to function better.

CBG also works to increase appetite and improve your overall mental wellbeing. To answer the question of which cannabinoid is better for treating anxiety, CBG seems to be better at treating anxiety but doesn’t have as much research available when compared to people using CBD to treat anxiety. 

Are There Any Drug Interactions with Cannabigerol?

Much research is needed to understand the possible side effects of using CBG, primarily as it interacts with prescribed medication. As of right now, there are no known interactions of CBG with prescription drugs. You should always check with your primary physician before starting a CBG routine. Do not stop taking any prescribed medicine, as CBG is not intended as a replacement for any pharmaceutical medication. 

Where Can You Buy CBG?

While it is possible to find pure and high-quality CBG products, they are extremely rare and astonishingly expensive. Pure CBG Isolate has been noted to not work as well as when combined with other cannabinoids because of the lack of the “entourage effect.” The entourage effect is when your body utilizes many cannabinoids at once to enjoy all the cannabinoids in one sitting so that your body can maximize the potential of those cannabinoids. 

There are CBG products that are available as mixed products, meaning the CBG will be blended with CBN, CBC, and/or CBD for a premium experience. The CBG may be in higher quantities, some as high as 40-50mg, but will need to be used with other cannabinoids to harness the entourage effect and deliver the best experience for your body’s needs.

How Do You Know Your CBG Is High Quality and Reputable?

There is no FDA regulation for the production and sale of hemp products across the country. That means anyone can create a hemp product and claim that it has either full or partial CBG content when in reality, it has little to none. To combat this, many reputable companies offer links and scannable QR codes that direct the customer to their third-party independent lab testing results.

These results have been verified by an unaffiliated laboratory that tests the product thoroughly, then uploads the results. These tests are often expensive and time-consuming. Once a company has taken the time and money to test their products and upload their results, you can view the results thoroughly before completing your purchase. 

How Old Do You Have to Be to Buy CBG?

As with any other product derived from the hemp plant, you must be at least 21 years old to purchase CBG products. Most online stores and brick-and-mortar locations will request to see or verify your ID before allowing you to proceed with viewing and purchasing CBG products. 

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