About CBD Science

CBD Science, LLC, provides research, education and consulting services to the cannabis and hemp industries.

Our mission is to help entrepreneurs and established companies help the most amount of people in the least amount of time.  We offer Intellectual property for extraction, processing, and marketing of proprietary products.

 Our expertise is “Synergistic Science” as articulated by R Buckminster Fuller.   Synergistics provides a rigorous framework for understanding Phytocannabinoids present in nature and their interaction with the EndoCannabinoid Systems (ECS) present in all vertebrates.

 Our three patents provide industry participants with protection from Big Pharma. The first is entitled “Systems and Methods for Producing Organic Cannabis Tinctures”. If covers both hot and cold organic extraction of all stages of the plant (acid, neutral and metabolite) and produces specified doses for effective utilization

Our second patent is for creating remedies for specific indications as well as “treatment-resistant conditions” such as fibromyalgia, IBS and Chronic pain. Our third patent is for “cannabinoid therapy” for treating Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CECD)

We introduced a “smokeless” alternative with “specified” dosages for medical marijuana patients in 2010.   In 2011, I provided the CBD tinctures to the team at Harborside Health Center that successfully treated the first case of Dravets syndrome (seizures) in a 4-year-old boy named Jayden.

Through research and collaboration with my son Albie, we were the first to offer Non-psychoactive Medicinal Cannabinoid tinctures to relieved symptoms of Pain (THCA and CBDA)), Anxiety (CBD) and Insomnia (CBN).

CBDScience.com offers a rigorous alternative view of how cannabinoids work.

Our paper “Yin/Yang…. Excerpts for the CBD Science Guide to Medical Marijuana was the first to articulate how THC and CBD operate.

Our Office


1 – 684-252-4801

Mailing Address
CBD Science, LLC
P.O. Box 1364
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799

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